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Speaker Pelosi: Override President's Veto of the Torture Ban
Rep. Doggett: Overriding President's Veto of the Torture Ban
Rep. Eshoo - Overriding President's Veto of the Torture Ban
Rep. Holt: Overriding President's Veto of the Torture Ban
Speaker Pelosi Urges Override of the President's Veto
Speaker Pelosi - Medicare Veto Override
Rep. Shea-Porter: Override Bush's Veto of Kids' Health Care
Rep. Rangel on Overriding Bush's Veto of Kids' Health Care
Was Nancy Pelosi Misled On Torture? Or Is She Complicit?
Rep. Eshoo Votes to Override the President's Medicare Veto
Nancy Pelosi to step aside after leading Democrats for nearly 20 years
Congressman Cohen Supports Veto Override of the CHIP bill